Pre-Exam Nutrition

As every year, we have come to the end of another academic year. The university exam, which high school students are eagerly waiting for, will also take place this weekend. However, this year, unlike every year, we all follow the exam date closely due to the worldwide pandemic and know it historically. While the curfew that will take place at the weekend concerns even individuals who are not related to the exam in terms of work order, our students who will take the exam this year have gone through a somewhat unfortunate, rather complicated process. School and classroom layouts and working systems have been involuntarily affected by the situation in the world, and children are under an extra stress.

pre-exam nutrition student

pre-exam nutrition student

There are many factors that affect the exam moment. If the children prepared for this exam by doing their best throughout the year, they should be convinced that it is not just an evaluation of success, but that they did their best, and the rest is related to the current mood, stress management ability and a little bit of fate. Nutrition, on the other hand, is one of the factors that should be taken care of from the previous day and that affects the exam moment from the inside metabolically, and even one of the most important factors.

Let’s examine together how we should eat and what we should pay attention to before and on the day of the exam…

What to pay attention to before the exam day!

  • Every person’s taste and eating habits are different from each other. Therefore, we do not want to contribute to the already existing exam stress by consuming foods that are very different from what children normally eat, with the logic that there is only an exam. For this reason, we should definitely keep the most harmless of our daily eating habits on the plates.
  • For children with eating habits, care should be taken not to eat outside on and before the exam day, considering the risk of poisoning and the risk of any spice disturbing the current stomach condition.
  • You should stay away from products such as mixed content, high oil, frying, mayonnaise, and try to prefer lighter nutrition products.
  • As a management style with stress, changes in appetite may occur, so children should be fed in appropriate portions without much difficulty. While some children have a loss of appetite, this can even lead to vomiting and subsequent feeling of being sick, as they are forced to overeat before the exam.
  • Care should be taken to avoid foods that cause gas or indigestion the day before the exam.
  • Products such as legumes, bulgur, cabbage, broccoli are among the foods that can cause gas and indigestion in the digestive system.
  • They should postpone trying a product that they will taste for the first time the day before the exam.
  • A food that they have not consumed before should not be tried for the first time on that day, allergic reactions and unwanted discomforts, dry mouth, gas formation in the individual should be tried to be avoided.
  • The desire to consume stress-related stimuli such as tea and coffee before the exam night can negatively affect night sleep patterns and cause insomnia during the exam. For this reason, while avoiding these products, it can be ensured that children have a comfortable sleep with herbal teas such as lemon balm, chamomile, and linden with both water supplement and soothing effects.
healthy to eat at night

healthy to eat at night

Which foods should be preferred on the morning of the exam?

  • On the morning of the exam, you should definitely start the day with a quality breakfast.
  • A meal rich in content, high in nutritional quality, and enriched with complex carbohydrates should be preferred, away from simple sugars.
  • Non-salty cheeses for breakfast, preferably boiled eggs or a low-fat scrambled egg, fresh and seasonal vegetables and fruits, balanced with milk, sweetened with honey, jam, molasses without exceeding 1 teaspoon, and preferably whole wheat bread with blood sugar A breakfast enriched with products such as walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts, which are healthy oil alternatives, may be suitable.
  • Although they are stimulating with tea or coffee, caffeine and tannin content on the morning of the exam, they can increase the need for toilet because they are diuretic products. For this reason, it should be avoided.
  • However, herbal teas, which have calming effects like the previous evening, can also cause concentration problems during the exam, so these products should be avoided on the morning of the exam.
  • Breakfast can be enriched with milk in terms of fluid balance.
  • Fluid consumption is important, but since excessive water consumption with excitement will increase the need for toilet again, it should be consumed with a sip of warm water with the effect of heat, beyond drinking lukewarm water.
  • However, contrary to what is known and believed, excessive consumption of sugary foods before the exam does not adversely affect the regulation of blood sugar during the exam.
  • For this reason, excessive consumption of chocolate and sweet products before the exam affects the blood sugar negatively during the exam and negatively affects the exam concentration.
  • Again, stress-related nausea and excessive consumption of salty-spicy crackers can cause thirst.
  • As a result, you should know that a food or drink consumed before and during the exam will not create a miracle.
  • As Diet Kapımda Family, we wish success to all children who will take the exam this year, and we wish them to win schools where they can love and be happy in this exam they will enter to earn their profession.