5 Tactics to Make a Killing as a Ghostwriter

Are you a skilled writer looking to make a living from your craft? Have you considered ghostwriting as a potential career path?

Ghostwriting is a lucrative and fulfilling profession that allows writers to use their skills to help others tell their stories. In this article, we’ll explore five ways to make a killing as a ghostwriter and establish yourself as a successful and in-demand ghostwriter.

What is Ghostwriting?

Before we dive into the tips, let’s first define what ghostwriting is. Ghostwriting is the process of writing content for someone else, without receiving credit for it. This can include anything from books and articles to speeches and social media posts.

Ghostwriters are hired by individuals or companies to write on their behalf, and the content is then published under the client’s name. Ghostwriting is a common practice in the publishing industry, with many well-known authors using ghostwriters to help them produce their books.

Now that we have a better understanding of what ghostwriting is, let’s explore how you can make a killing as a ghostwriter.

1. Develop Your Writing Skills

Writing toolsby Dee @ Copper and Wild (https://unsplash.com/@copperandwild)

The first step to becoming a successful ghostwriter is to hone your writing skills. This means constantly practicing and improving your writing, whether it’s through writing exercises, taking writing courses, or reading books on writing.

As a ghostwriter, you will be writing in a variety of styles and for different audiences, so it’s important to have a strong foundation in writing. This will not only make you a more desirable ghostwriter, but it will also help you produce high-quality content for your clients.

2. Specialize in a Niche

While it’s important to have a broad range of writing skills, it’s also beneficial to specialize in a particular niche. This could be anything from business and finance to health and wellness.

By specializing in a niche, you can position yourself as an expert in that field and attract clients who are looking for a ghostwriter with knowledge and experience in that area. This can also help you command higher rates for your services.

3. Network and Build Relationships

Networking eventby Erika Giraud (https://unsplash.com/@erikasayssmile)

Networking is crucial for any freelance writer, and it’s especially important for ghostwriters. Building relationships with other writers, editors, and industry professionals can lead to potential clients and referrals.

Attend writing conferences, join writing groups, and connect with other writers on social media. By building a strong network, you can increase your visibility and establish yourself as a reputable ghostwriter.

4. Offer Additional Services

As a ghostwriter, you can offer more than just writing services. Consider expanding your offerings to include copywriting, content optimization, and editing. This can not only increase your income but also make you a more valuable asset to your clients.

Copywriting involves writing persuasive and compelling content for marketing purposes, while content optimization involves optimizing content for search engines. These skills are highly sought after in the digital age, and by offering them, you can attract a wider range of clients.

5. Market Yourself Effectively

Marketing strategiesby Campaign Creators (https://unsplash.com/@campaign_creators)

To be a successful ghostwriter, you need to know how to market yourself effectively. This means having a strong online presence, including a professional website and active social media accounts.

You can also reach out to potential clients directly by sending personalized pitches and showcasing your writing portfolio. Networking and building relationships can also be a form of marketing, as you can gain referrals and recommendations from other writers and industry professionals.


Ghostwriting is a fulfilling and lucrative career path for skilled writers. By developing your writing skills, specializing in a niche, networking, offering additional services, and marketing yourself effectively, you can make a killing as a ghostwriter and establish yourself as a sought-after professional in the industry.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your ghostwriting career to the next level, these tips can help you achieve success and reach your full potential as a ghostwriter.