That animal that invades the plants on the planet

that animal that invades the crops in the world

When you think of crop damage, you may picture natural disasters like floods or droughts. However, one of the biggest threats to crops around the world comes from animals. From insects to mammals, these crop-invading animals can cause significant damage and loss for farmers and agricultural industries.

In this article, we’ll explore the impact of crop-invading animals and the importance of wildlife management and animal control in protecting crops.

The Impact of Crop-Invading Animals

Crop-invading animals can cause significant damage to crops, resulting in financial losses for farmers and food shortages for communities. In the United States alone, crop damage from wildlife is estimated to cost over $1 billion annually.


Insect damage to cropsby James Wainscoat (

Insects are one of the most common crop-invading animals, and they can cause significant damage to a wide range of crops. Some of the most destructive insect pests include aphids, caterpillars, and beetles.

These insects can damage crops in various ways, such as feeding on leaves, stems, and fruits, causing stunted growth, and transmitting diseases. In some cases, insect infestations can lead to complete crop failure, resulting in significant financial losses for farmers.


Birds are another common crop-invading animal, and they can cause damage to a wide range of crops, including fruits, vegetables, and grains. Some of the most destructive bird pests include crows, starlings, and blackbirds.

Birds can cause damage by feeding on crops, pecking at fruits and vegetables, and contaminating crops with their droppings. They can also cause damage to crops during the planting and harvesting stages, resulting in reduced yields and financial losses for farmers.


Deer in a fieldby Milosz Roman (

Mammals, such as deer, rabbits, and rodents, can also cause significant damage to crops. These animals can feed on a wide range of crops, including fruits, vegetables, and grains, and can cause damage at various stages of growth.

Deer, for example, can cause damage by feeding on leaves and stems, while rodents can damage crops by burrowing and eating roots. These animals can also transmit diseases to crops, resulting in reduced yields and financial losses for farmers.

The Importance of Wildlife Management

Wildlife management is the process of controlling and regulating wildlife populations to minimize their impact on the environment and human activities. In the case of crop-invading animals, wildlife management is crucial in protecting crops and ensuring food security.

Population Control

One of the primary goals of wildlife management is to control the population of crop-invading animals. By implementing measures such as hunting, trapping, and sterilization, wildlife managers can reduce the number of animals that can cause damage to crops.

Population control is essential because it helps prevent overgrazing and overbrowsing, which can lead to the depletion of food sources for wildlife and damage to crops. It also helps maintain a balance between wildlife populations and their natural habitats.

Habitat Management

Wildlife habitat managementby Frida Lannerström (

Habitat management is another crucial aspect of wildlife management. By creating and maintaining suitable habitats for wildlife, wildlife managers can help prevent animals from venturing into agricultural areas in search of food and shelter.

Habitat management can involve activities such as planting native vegetation, creating water sources, and implementing fencing to keep animals away from crops. By providing alternative food sources and habitats for wildlife, habitat management can help reduce crop damage and promote coexistence between wildlife and agriculture.

Education and Outreach

Education and outreach are essential components of wildlife management, as they help raise awareness about the importance of protecting wildlife and managing their populations. By educating farmers and communities about the impact of crop-invading animals and the importance of wildlife management, wildlife managers can promote understanding and cooperation.

Education and outreach can also involve providing resources and training for farmers to help them prevent and manage crop damage from wildlife. By working together, farmers and wildlife managers can find sustainable solutions to protect crops and wildlife.

The Role of Animal Control in Protecting Crops

Animal control is another critical aspect of protecting crops from damage by wildlife. Animal control involves the use of various methods to prevent and manage animal damage to crops.


Fencing to protect cropsby Nathanaël Desmeules (

Fencing is one of the most effective methods of animal control, as it physically prevents animals from accessing crops. Fencing can be used to protect entire fields or individual crops, depending on the type of animal causing damage.

For example, deer fencing is often used to protect crops from deer, while smaller mesh fencing can be used to keep out smaller animals like rabbits and rodents. Electric fencing can also be an effective deterrent for larger animals like bears and coyotes.


Repellents are another common method of animal control, and they work by using scents or tastes that animals find unpleasant. These repellents can be applied directly to crops or placed around the perimeter of fields to deter animals from entering.

Some common types of repellents include predator urine, hot pepper spray, and garlic-based sprays. While repellents can be effective, they may need to be reapplied regularly, and they may not work for all types of animals.

Trapping and Relocation

Trapping and relocation can be an effective method of animal control, particularly for larger animals like deer and bears. Traps can be set up around the perimeter of fields or in areas where animals are known to cause damage.

Once trapped, animals can be safely relocated to a more suitable habitat away from agricultural areas. However, this method can be time-consuming and may not be feasible for all types of animals.

Real-World Examples of Wildlife Management and Animal Control

Deer fencing in a vineyardby Natalie Thornley (

Many farmers and agricultural industries around the world have implemented wildlife management and animal control strategies to protect their crops. For example, in California’s Napa Valley, vineyards use deer fencing to protect their grapes from deer and other animals.

In Australia, farmers have implemented a range of methods, including fencing, repellents, and trapping, to protect their crops from kangaroos and other wildlife. These strategies have helped reduce crop damage and promote coexistence between agriculture and wildlife.


Crop-invading animals can cause significant damage to crops, resulting in financial losses for farmers and food shortages for communities. However, through wildlife management and animal control, we can protect crops and promote coexistence between agriculture and wildlife.

By implementing strategies such as population control, habitat management, and education and outreach, we can reduce the impact of crop-invading animals and ensure food security for future generations.