English-German Glossary: In der Schule (School)

What are the German phrases used for and at school? If you’ll faculty in a German-speaking nation, it is important to develop into conversant in those phrases.

You’re going to see the English time period and the matching German one.

Faculty and Training Word list (A to L)


A, B, C, D, F (see grades/marks beneath)

How you can Say “Who” “What” “The place” “When” & “How” in German

ABCs, alphabet das ABC

absence (faculty) das Fehlen
unexcused absence unentschuldigtes Fehlen

absent abwesend
absent from elegance/faculty in der Stunde/Schule fehlen
to be absent, lacking fehlen
She’s absent lately. Sie fehlt heute.
Why had been you absent? Warum hast du gefehlt?

Kultur: The German Abitur (das) is a highschool degree or secondary leaving certificates (A-level), won after passing a written and oral exam all over the twelfth or thirteenth yr of college (relying at the state). Die Matura is the Austrian identical. Additionally, see “commencement” beneath.

educational akademischwissenschaftlich
educational guide der Studienberater/die Studienberaterin
educational yr das Studienjahrdas Schuljahr

academically proficient/gifted intellektuell begabt

academy die Akademie (-n), die Privatschule

management (administrative center) die Verwaltung

after faculty nach der Schule
ahead of faculty vor der Schule

algebra die Algebra

alphabet das ABCdas Alphabet
alphabetically, in alphabetical order alphabetischnach dem Alphabet

solution (v.antwortenbeantworten
solution (n.die Antwort (-en)

   Er hat die Frage beantwortet.
He replied the query.

apple der Apfel (Äpfel)

artwork (topicdie Kunstder Kunstunterricht

ask fragen
ask a query eine Frage stellen

task die Aufgabe (-n)

athletic box der Sportplatz (-plätze)
athletics der Recreation (sing.)

   Kultur: Athletics in German faculties is in most cases restricted to P.E. and intramural sports activities. It’s uncommon to have faculty groups that compete in opposition to each and every different. Aggressive sports activities have a tendency to be carried out in golf equipment slightly than at school, which is extra educational.

attend (faculty) (die Schulebesuchen
obligatory attendance die Schulpflicht
he has a deficient attendance document er fehlt oft (in der Schule)


B.A./B.S. (see “Bachelor of..” beneath)
bachelor’s level der Bakkalaureusder Bachelor
Bachelor of Arts der Bakkalaureus der philosophischen Fakultät
Bachelor of Science der Bakkalaureus der wissenschaftlichen Fakultät

   Kultur: It’s tricky to match the other educational levels in Germany with the ones within the Anglo-American device. An American “bachelor’s level” is nearer to the German Magisterabschluss, although Magister interprets as “grasp.” In a contemporary effort to develop into extra world, some German universities now be offering a B.A. level in some fields, normally for 6 semesters of research. Additionally see the entries for a point, M.A. and doctorate.

ballpoint pen der Kuli (-s), der Kugelschreiber (-)

band (songdie Blaskapelle (-n), die Band (-s)

binder (loose-leafdas Ringbuch (-bücher)

biology (topicdie Biodie Biologie
biology trainer der/die Biologielehrer/in

blackboard, chalkboard die Tafel (-)

boarding faculty das Internat (-e)
guide das Buch (Bücher)

  textbook das Schulbuch/Lehrbuch

wreck, recess die Pause (-n)
after the wreck nach der Pause
brief/lengthy wreck kleine/große Pause
das Pausebrot sandwich eaten all over the wreck

bus, trainer der Bus (-se)
faculty bus der Schulbus


cafeteria die Mensa (Mensen) (univ.), der Speisesaal

   Kultur: Maximum German scholars move house for lunch round 12:30 or 1:00, so few faculties have a cafeteria. In jap Germany, it’s extra commonplace to have a college lunch. On the college, the Mensa gives cheap foods for college kids and college.

calculator der Rechner
pocket calculator der Taschenrechner
faculty calculator der Schulrechner
clinical calculator wissenschaftlicher Rechner

calculus der Kalküldie Integralrechnung

chair der Stuhl (Stühle)
chair (particular person), division head (m.der Abteilungsleiter (-), der Fachleiter
chair (particular person), division head (f.die Abteilungsleiterin (-), die Fachleiterin

chalk die Kreideder Kreidestift
a work of chalk eine Kreide

cheerleader der/die Cheerleader (-)

   Kultur: Since interscholastic sports activities pageant is uncommon in Germany, there is not any want for cheerleaders. Even if some American soccer groups in Europe have volunteer cheerleaders, maximum Germans best learn about cheerleading from Hollywood motion pictures and TV.

chemistry (elegance) die Chemieder Chemieunterricht

elegance (grade point) die Klasse (-n)
German elegance DeutschunterrichtDeutschstunde
the category of 2003 der Jahrgang 2003
within the tenth grade/elegance in der 10. Klasse (zehnten)

   Kultur: A German Klasse is a gaggle of scholars that keep in combination for a number of years of college. Quite like a “homeroom” elegance, the scholars elect a Klassensprecher/in to constitute the category. Categories have names like 9a or 10b regarding each and every elegance crew inside a grade point. A trainer who teaches two or extra lessons inside a category crew is the Klassenlehrer, type of like a “homeroom trainer.” Notice: A category of instruction is Unterricht or Unterrichtsstunde, no longer Klasse, however it’s held in a Klassenzimmer.

elegance sign up, roll guide das Klassenbuch

classmate der Klassenkamerad (-en)

study room das Klassenzimmer (-)

clock die Uhr (-en)

trainer, instructor der Teacher
trainer (v.trainieren

school die Fachhochschule (FH) (-n), das School (Engl. pron.)
School of Training pädagogische Hochschule

   Kultur: The Anglo-American time period “school” is normally Hochschule or Universität in German. College departments or faculties (“School of Arts and Science”) are known as Fachbereiche or Fakultäten in German.

pc der Pc (-), der Rechner (-)
pc science die Informatik

proper (adj.richtig
proper (v.korrigieren
to proper assessments Klassenarbeiten korrigieren

route der Kurs (-e), der Unterricht
honors route der Leistungskurs (-e)


level (univ.der (akademischeGrad

   Kultur: One must indirectly evaluate the other educational levels in Germany with the ones within the Anglo-American device. But even so the level variations, the college methods within the U.S., Britain, and Germany are very other in different ways.

division die Abteilung (-en), der Fachbereich (univ.)
division chair/head (m.der Abteilungsleiter (-), der Fachleiter
division chair/head (f.die Abteilungsleiterin (-nen), die Fachleiterin

table der Schreibtisch (-e) (trainer, administrative center)
table die Schulbank (pupil)

dictionary das Wörterbuch (-bücher)

didactic didaktischlehrhaft

doctoral dissertation die Doktorarbeit

doctorate, Ph.D, die Doktorwürdedie Doktorarbeit
particular person with a physician’s level der Doktorand
She’s nonetheless doing her doctorate. Sie sitzt immer noch an ihrer Doktorarbeit.

   Kultur: Somebody with a Ph.D. or Doktorwürde is entitled to be addressed as Herr Doktor orFrau Doktor. Within the outdated days, a girl married to a Doktor was once also referred to as Frau Doktor.


training die Bildungdas Bildungswesendie Erziehung
School of Training pädagogische Hochschule

training(al) device das Bildungssystemdas Bildungswesen

instructional Bildungs- (in compounds), pädagogischlehrreich
instructional (school-related) schulisch

educator der Pädagoge/die Pädagoginder Erzieher

optional (topic) das Wahlfach (-fächer)
Italian is an optional topic. Italianisch ist ein Wahlfach.
Math is a required topic. Mathe ist ein Pflichtfach.

basic faculty, grade faculty die Grundschuledie Volksschule (Austria)

basic trainer, grade faculty trainer der/die Grundschullehrer(in)

email die E-Mail (-s)
to email, ship an email eine Mail absenden/schicken

eraser (rubberder Radiergummi (-s)
eraser (for chalkder Schwamm (Schwämme)

examination das Examen (-), die Klassenarbeit (-en)
ultimate examination das Schlussexamen (-)
finals die Abschlussprüfung (-en) (univ.)


school der Lehrkörperdas Lehrerkollegium

felt-tip pen, marker der Filzstift (-e)

record (paperdie Akte (-n)
record (pcdie Datei (-en), das Report (-s)
record folder der Aktenordner (-) (paper)
record folder die Mappe (-n) (loose-leaf)
record folder der Ordner (pc/paper)

ultimate examination das Schlussexamen (-)
finals die Abschlussprüfung (-en) (univ.)

folder der Ordner (-), der Hefter (-), die Mappe (-n)

overseas language die Fremdsprache (-n)

   Kultur: In German faculties, the preferred Fremdsprachen are Englisch and Französisch (French). Latin, Russian, Italian and Spanish also are presented in some faculties. On the Fitness center, scholars normally take two overseas languages, the “main” one for 8 years and a “minor” for five years, which means that they develop into relatively talented. The standard U.S. observe of taking two years of a overseas language is a shaggy dog story, and no more than 1/3 of American scholars even do this.

French (elegance) (dasFranzösischder Französischunterricht

freshman (ninth grader) amer. Schüler oder Schülerin in der neunten Klasse

Friday der Freitag
on Friday(s) am Freitagfreitags

investment, budget (for educ., and so forth.die Mittel/Gelder (pl.)
elementary investment die Grundmittel (pl.)
public budget öffentliche Mittel/Gelder (pl.)
personal investment (for univ. analysisdie Drittmittel (pl.)


geography die Erdkundedie Geografie

geometry die Geometrie

German (elegance) (dasDeutschder Deutschunterricht

globe der Globusder Erdball

grade, mark die Notice (-n), die Zensur (-en)
She has dangerous marks/grades. Sie hat schlechte Noten/Zensuren.
She has just right marks/grades. Sie hat gute Noten/Zensuren.
He were given an A. Er hat eine Eins bekommen.
He were given an F. Er hat eine Fünf/Sechs bekommen.

   German grading device: A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, F=5, F-=6

grade (point, elegancedie Klasse
within the ninth grade in der 9. (neunten) Klasse

grade faculty, basic faculty die Grundschule

graduate (v.das Abitur ablegen (highschool), absolvierenpromovieren (Ph.D.), die Abschlussprüfung bestehen (highschool)
graduate (n.der Akademiker/die Akademikerin
highschool graduate der Schulabgänger/die Schulabgängerinder Abiturient/die Abiturientin
graduate pupil ein Scholar oder eine Studentin mit abgeschlossenem Studium

   Kultur: The German college device does no longer have the similar divisions between graduate and post-graduate learn about discovered within the U.S. There’s no German phrase for “graduate pupil.” It needs to be defined as ein Scholar oder eine Studentin mit abgeschlossenem Studium.

gymnasium, health club die Turnhalle
gymnasium (elegance) der Recreationder Sportunterricht

gymnasium/P.E. trainer (m.der Sportlehrer (-)
gymnasium/P.E. trainer (f.die Sportlehrerin (-nen)


corridor(approach) der Gangder Flur

well being, hygiene (subj.die Gesundheitspflege

upper training die Hochschulbildungdas Hochschulwesen

highschool die Sekundarschule (-n)
educational highschool (in German Europedas Fitness center

   Kultur: There are lots of sorts of German secondary faculties, each and every with its personal curriculum and goal. A Fitness center has an educational curriculum resulting in das Abitur (die Matura in Austria, Switz.) and school. A Berufschule gives a mix of business ability coaching and lecturers. Different faculty sorts come with: RealschuleGesamtschule and Hauptschule.

highschool degree das Abiturdie Matura

historical past die Geschichte

homework die Hausaufgaben (pl.)

honors route der Leistungskurs (-e)
honors/dean’s record eine Liste der besten SchülerInnen/StundentInnen
with honors cum laude


ink die Tinte (-n)

institute das Institut (-e), die Hochschule (-n)

instruct, educate unterrichten

instruction der Unterricht
math elegance/instruction der Matheunterricht

trainer der Lehrer


kindergarten der Kindergarten (-gärten)


language lab das Sprachlabor (-s)

be informed lernen

letter (of alphabet) der Buchstabe (-n)

locker das Schliessfach (-fächer)

Kultur: Ecu faculties, together with Germany and Austria, do not have guide lockers for college kids like the ones present in American secondary faculties.

loose-leaf binder das Ringbuch (-bücher)
loose-leaf folder die Mappe (-n)